If this new immigration policy pulls through, then it'll show that the American people didn't appreciate what illegal immigrants have done for the economy and will regret the change after witnessing the loss of labor force.
That was my final thought after reading this blog.
Immigration has been a broad major issue in the United States, especially in the southern states such as Texas. However, the author who wrote the blog "Key Texas industries heavily reliant on immigrant labor" posted on September 08, 2014 on the Texas political blog "Grits for breakfast" gives some credible evidence with logical reasoning on why the United States should not consider the immigration policy.
What I really admire about this article is the statistics pointed out of the workforce in Texas's key industries such as Construction, Hotels, Restaurants, and Agriculture. I've always known that these industries contain a huge amount of illegal immigrants in the workforce but I never knew that 85 percent of illegal immigrants are in the workforce of agriculture. 85 percent, that is a lot! What I took from that statistic is why are they even considering this policy? It also put me in perspective on how these industries with illegal immigrants would be if this policy does pull through. Since I am Hispanic, the statistic given by the credible author from grits did get my skepticism from my roots out on how absurd this policy is. The first thing that came to my mind was that the illegal immigrants come to America to work and make enough money to put food on the table and clothe their children. Yet, they want to take that opportunity away and possibly let some lazy unemployed american work at the same industry for a higher wage and less work commitment. To me, just as the author, it doesn't make sense.
The author from Grits gives great examples and hard evidence to prove what illegal immigrants have done for the United States. Even after he finishes one example, he continues on to another to demonstrate on how important it is for this policy to not pass. However, on the other hand some may say he is being biased and doesn't show any ideas on why they are considering this policy. Furthermore, his writing is solid and provides reliable resources to make himself credible. The flow of everything is easy to follow and brief to get to the point.
Lastly, to make this article even better on stating how ridiculous it is to consider a new immigration policy is by having a great (to me, Texan) ending by referring to the government "Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!"
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